Today, we hosted our annual Veterans Day breakfast, honoring those who have served our country. After the event, we had the privilege of speaking with two special guests, Troy Mallo and Ryan Schnepp, to hear what this day and event mean to them. Click the article title to access the video.
- Quality & innovative instructional programs - Caring teachers & staff with high expectations for student success and achievement, a comprehensive curriculum, including award-winning music, fine arts, athletics and extra-curricular activities - All schools newly constructed or remodeled, 21st century technology in all schools - Elementary schools focus on literacy skills; all day every day Kindergarten - Young Fives program - Elementary specials such as art, music, computer lab, physical education, and Spanish. - Alternative Education
Whether you are here to check out your child's building lunch menu, keep up with what is going on here at CPS or if you are checking out our school district for the first time, you are in the right place!
Welcome to Constantine Public Schools! We are dedicated to providing your child the best possible education. In order to make your experience here an excellent one, we suggest you take a few minutes to download the forms you will need to register and attend Constantine Public Schools. Print out the forms, complete them, then deliver them to your school office. Should you have a question while filling out a form, please contact the school secretary in the building your child will attend.